The Role of Gender in Shaping Social Dynamics: A Cross-Cultural Analysis


  • Dr. Mahnoor Ali National Textile University, Faisalabad


Gender, Social Dynamics, Cross-Cultural Analysis, Gender Roles, Communication Patterns, Power Dynamics, Decision-Making, Gender Equality


This study explores the intricate interplay between gender and social dynamics across diverse cultural contexts. Utilizing a cross-cultural analysis, we investigate how gender norms, roles, and expectations influence various aspects of social interactions, including communication patterns, power dynamics, and decision-making processes. By examining data from multiple societies, we aim to uncover commonalities and differences in the ways gender shapes social relationships and structures. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of gender in shaping human societies and informs strategies for promoting gender equality and social justice worldwide.




How to Cite

Dr. Mahnoor Ali. (2024). The Role of Gender in Shaping Social Dynamics: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Journal for Current Sign, 2(2), 109–118. Retrieved from